
Welcome to our family’s genealogy!

This page is an ongoing work. Its purpose is to have a central location for the collecting of my family’s history. The families that will be eventually covered are Hall, Skillman, Einstein, Prescott, and Dedrick. I cannot verify all of the information on this page. For some of it, I have certain verification; for other bits and pieces, I have relied on friends and relatives. And finally, parts are oral history from my parents, grandparents, and great-grandparents.

For specific information on how our family is related to Albert Einstein, click on the Einstein family link on the home page.

To see photos related to the families, click “Photos” at the top of the page.

For comments or questions, contact me at [email protected].

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2 Responses to Welcome!

  1. Beth Ann Hall Meiller says:

    Barry the information your mom and aunts,that Charles Einstein Hall started is correct. I did verify all of it against the hard copies at the AZ Temple records and books when we first moved there in 1989. There is also the Rev. William P. Hickman family that was in the Battle of Cloyd’s Mountain, during the Civil War and they brought the Simpsons family into the group and those are the members who go back to 1105. Let me know if you don’t have this part of the history. I may have found it in the other records. Beth💚🐸

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